Monday, January 30, 2012

"The Adventures Of The Pretty Lion" by Nurbanu Bulgur


Anonymous said...

Oh my Gosh! What is the fuss? There were....

The question is unable to understand easily. Because firstly your charecter was amazed the around and then suddenly its feelings are changing. You should be more slow when you are changing your charecters' feeling like this story.

nurbanu said...

Altough my character was amazed in this part,ı thought that I could reflect well how My lion felt when it encountered what it did not estimate.I guess,If I had not used the remarkable sentences,I could not have aroused this effect.Thanks for your comment, though.

M. ALi said...

I guess it should be ''only a few months ago''

nurbanu said...

That I chose to write "only few months ago" may not be an important problem. Because,"few" and "a few" are almost same things.However,I wrote "mounths" instead of writing "months".Thanks for your warning.I had not realized that small mistake.